Invoice channels and requirements
In this article
How to submit an invoice
Invoices to ExxonMobil are accepted in different forms and should be submitted using only one invoicing method. Please do not send your invoices through multiple channels.
GEP Service Confirmation and Self-Billing / Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS)
- If you are registered, you should submit invoices using these methods.
E-mail invoices
Invoices should be submitted to the e-mail address provided in the ExxonMobil invoicing address list.
- Note that e-mail addresses may differ depending on the affiliate/country where you are sending the invoice.
- These e-mail addresses are used only to receive invoices; other inquiries sent to these mailboxes will not be monitored. Inquiries should be submitted via ServiceNow Supplier Portal .
- Important:
- Invoice must be in PDF machine readable document or TIFF file.
- Invoice must not be encrypted or require a password to access (.zip files cannot be accepted).
- Send only one invoice per e-mail. Any support documentation (e.g. Proof of Delivery) you want to send together with the invoice should be a separate file named Attachment.
- Special instructions submitted in an e-mail will not be monitored.
- PDF or TIFF file resolution needs to be 300 dpi or higher.
- E-mail size cannot exceed 10MB.
- Invoices must comply with the minimum invoice content described below. Invoices with missing or incorrect information may be returned to the supplier unpaid.
- When submitting invoices from purchase orders, it is recommended to submit a separate invoice for each purchase order to support fast and accurate payment processing.
- Before submitting invoices to ExxonMobil, you must have a vendor account set up in our systems. Please ask your ExxonMobil contact to ensure your account is created and up to date prior to submitting invoices. For any updates to your company information (i.e. address, bank account, etc.), please register on the Supplier record update.
Minimum invoice requirements
- Invoice details:
- Document type title (i.e. Invoice, Credit Note, Tax invoice)
- Document number/reference
- Document date (format DD-MM-YYYY or in words)
- Purchase reference - Purchase Order (PO), Service Entry Sheet (SES) or Freight Summary List (FSL). If there is no Purchase reference, you must provide e-mail address of the ExxonMobil business contact/client
- Net amount
- Tax amount
- Gross amount
- Tax break-down per Tax rate/type or exemption
- Withholding Tax amount & Withholding Tax rate (if applicable)
- Currency code
- Exchange rate or amounts equivalent in local currency shall be provided for invoices issued in foreign currency
- Goods/Services details:
- Invoice amount broken down by Purchase Order line item # (if applicable)
- Description of goods or services provided
- Quantity and Unit of Measure of goods and services invoiced
- Unit Price of each item or service
- Ship-to location if different from Bill To entity
- Delivery date
- Bill To details (refer to ExxonMobil invoicing address list):
- ExxonMobil affiliate name
- ExxonMobil affiliate company code (Co Code)
- ExxonMobil affiliate address
- ExxonMobil affiliate tax registration number (if applicable)
- Please choose the correct tax registration number according to the delivery location/country
- Supplier details:
- Supplier name
- Supplier address
- Supplier tax registration number (if applicable)
- Supplier remittance information (bank account details)
Paper invoices
- Invoices should not be submitted in paper form unless it is mandatory as per local regulations. Please find the mailing address for each affiliate accepting paper invoices in the ExxonMobil invoicing address list
Additional country-specific invoice requirements for Angola, Nigeria, Mexico, Mozambique
Payment status tracking
You can check payment status or submit payment-related questions via the ServiceNow Supplier Portal.
Vendor frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Q: How do I submit a credit invoice (credit note)?
A: You can submit credit invoices the same way you submit other invoices. Please ensure the credit includes a negative balance and references the original debit and purchase order number.
Q: What should I do if my electronic invoice file size is larger than 10MB?
A: You may submit the invoice to the proper submission channel and separately send supporting documentation to an ExxonMobil representative.
Q: Why is my invoice not yet paid?
A: Delayed payments can be caused by various factors, such as a vendor account not being created or up to date, prices on the purchase order not matching the invoice, a missing minimum invoice requirement or no SES/GR indicated on invoice. You may submit a ticket via the ServiceNow Supplier Portal for specific questions regarding invoices submitted.
Q: How can I check my invoice status?
A: You can check invoice status in the ServiceNow Supplier Portal.
Q: How do I update my contact details?
A: Please inform your ExxonMobil contact if you need to make any updates to your vendor account such as address, name, tax ID or bank details.
Q: My invoice was rejected or is not in the system. Whom should I contact?
A: If the invoice is not found in the ServiceNow Supplier Portal, please submit a ticket via the tool, and we will look into the matter.
Q: How can I participate in the ExxonMobil Early Payment Discount Program?
A: To learn more about the ExxonMobil Early Payment Discount Program and to create an account, go to ExxonMobil Early Payment Program - C2FO. (Not available for all countries)
Other supplier-related questions or updates?